6 Best Rangefinders For 500 Yards

There are a variety of rangefinder models of the  6 Best Rangefinders For 500 Yards that are capable of accurately measuring distances of up to 500 yards. The common uses of these rangefinders include target shooting, golfing, hunting, and outdoor observation.

They are precise, and many of them employ GPS trackers and satellites to determine how far away your location is from your intended target. We must emphasize that if you haven’t been utilizing a rangefinder before, you are losing out on a lot. The greatest rangefinder for 500 yards is worth a few extra dollars, and you won’t regret it.

6 Best Rangefinders For 500 Yards

1) Vortex Optics Ranger 1800

Vortex Optics Ranger 1800



This rangefinder has a maximum range of 1800 yards, making it suitable for distances up to 500 yards. It’s known for its accuracy and clear optics, making it a popular choice among hunters and shooters.

The rangefinder employs a laser beam to calculate how far you are from the target. Usually, this data is shown on an LCD screen or through the eyepiece. Given the reputation of Vortex Optics for producing high-quality optics, the Ranger 1800 is anticipated to produce images that are clean and crisp.

Since it is compact and light, the rangefinder is simple to carry when engaging in outdoor activities. The device is made with user-friendly controls and interfaces that make measuring distances quick and simple.

The Ranger 1800 may include a variety of modes and functions, depending on the exact model and edition. This could involve using a scan mode to continuously update the distance to moving targets or switching between aiming modes depending on the circumstance.


  • Offers excellent optics
  • Built to be portable and light
  • Developed with usability in mind
  • possess a variety of modes and characteristics.
  • made to withstand the harsh elements of the outdoors
  • Ranger 1800’s battery life ought to be respectable.

2. Leupold RX-1600i TBR/W with DNA Laser Rangefinder

Leupold RX-1600i TBR/W with DNA Laser Rangefinder




Leupold is a respected brand in the optics industry. This rangefinder offers True Ballistic Range (TBR) and Wind (W) features, which can be helpful when accounting for elevation and wind conditions during shooting or hunting.

The product name “W” most likely refers to “Wind Compensation.” This function considers the wind direction and speed to assist you in adjusting your shot for wind drift, improving accuracy. To precisely calculate distances to a target, the device employs a laser. For hunters and shooters who need to estimate the distance to their target to make accurate shots, this is very helpful.

The TBR technology provides you with a more precise distance measurement that accounts for uphill or downhill shots by taking into consideration the angle of your shot and the ballistics of your ammo.

Leupold rangefinders are renowned for their tough construction, frequently made of materials that are waterproof and strong enough to survive the elements. Leupold rangefinders often feature excellent optics that deliver crisp, clear images even in dim lighting.


  • High-grade optics
  • Real-World Ballistic Range
  • Its longest possible range
  • Improves distance measurements’ precision and speed
  • Offer a variety of reticle options
  • Both water- and fog-proof
  • Bright, clear pictures

3. Nikon Prostaff 1000i Laser Rangefinder

Nikon Prostaff 1000i Laser Rangefinder




Nikon is another well-known brand for optics. The Monarch 2000 rangefinder boasts a range of up to 2000 yards and offers a variety of modes for different situations, including the First Target Priority mode for measuring the distance to the nearest subject.

The Prostaff 1000i has a high degree of precision and can measure distances up to a particular range, often around 1000 yards or meters. Based on the amount of time the laser beam needs to travel to its target and back, it employs laser technology to determine distances.

The rangefinder is made to be portable and lightweight, making it simple to carry while on the go in a pocket or purse. The rangefinder normally has a 6x magnification, enabling you to plainly view distant objects and precisely identify your target.

Different measurement modes, such as Single Measurement, Continuous Measurement (for tracking moving targets), and perhaps an incline/decline angle compensation mode for more precise distance measurements, may be included with the Prostaff 1000i.

It often has an easy-to-read LCD with data on the mode, measured distance, and battery life. Products from Nikon’s Prostaff range are frequently built to be tough and resistant to the elements. The Prostaff 1000i might be shockproof and waterproof, increasing its toughness.


  • Both shockproof and waterproof
  • Have many measuring modes
  • Typically, it has a simple-to-read LCD.
  • Developed with usability in mind
  • Tiny and portable
  • 6x magnification is available.

4. Bushnell Prime 1300

Bushnell Prime 1300




The brand Bushnell is well-known in the rangefinder industry. Due to its 1300-yard range, clear display, and simple controls, the Prime 1300 is a fantastic choice for customers looking for a basic rangefinder.

Rangefinders can be helpful for sports like golf, hunting, and outdoor exploration because they are generally used to calculate the distance from the device to a target. To measure distances correctly, rangefinders often employ laser technology. They fire a laser at the target, which reflects off it and returns to the measuring equipment, letting it determine the distance.

You can zoom in on faraway things for a closer perspective with some rangefinders’ magnification features. To withstand a variety of climatic conditions, outdoor equipment like rangefinders frequently has waterproof and weather-resistant qualities.

Various rangefinder modes can be selected according to the activity. A “golf mode,” for instance, would emphasize flagstick detection, whereas a “hunting mode” might concentrate on measuring greater distances.

To provide a more accurate measurement, this feature modifies distance measurements based on the angle between you, the rangefinder, and the target. This is especially useful when dealing with slopes or drops.


  • Weather-resistance and Waterproof
  • Provide a magnifying capability
  • Design that is small and lightweight
  • Rapid and accurate distance calculations

5. Sig Sauer Kilo 1400BDX Rangefinder

Sig Sauer Kilo 1400BDX Rangefinder



This rangefinder is part of Sig Sauer’s Ballistic Data Xchange (BDX) system, which connects the rangefinder to your smartphone and can provide you with custom ballistic calculations. It has a range of up to 1600 yards and is well-regarded for its accuracy.

The Kilo 1400BDX’s main job is to determine how far away a target is from the user. When altering your aiming point, especially for long-range shooting, this information is crucial. Rangefinders are made to be small and light, which makes them convenient to take in the field. Additionally, it is designed to endure harsh locations and a variety of weather situations.

The Kilo 1400BDX is made to be utilized with SIG Sauer riflescopes that have the BDX system installed. To offer ballistic solutions that account for variables like range, bullet drop, windage, and angle, the rangefinder and riflescope communicate.

SIG Sauer’s ABU technology, which is a condensed version of their ballistic calculator, is built into the rangefinder. To help the shooter make precise modifications, it delivers a ballistic solution depending on the range and surrounding circumstances.


  • Bluetooth compatibility
  • Durable and small
  • ABU, or Applied Ballistics Ultralite
  • Possess an easily readable display
  • Its durable

6. TecTecTec ProWild2 Rangefinder

TecTecTec ProWild2 Rangefinder



The TecTecTec ProWild 2 is known for its affordability and performance. It has a range of up to 540 yards and offers a continuous scan mode for tracking moving targets. Users may measure distances over a large region with the rangefinder because it normally has a range of several hundred yards.

The ProWild2 Rangefinder is made to take precise measurements of distances. It employs laser technology to determine how far away a target is, whether that target is a flag on a golf course, an animal in the wild, or a piece of scenery.

In this mode, users can move the rangefinder across various targets while scanning an area and getting ongoing distance readings. This is especially helpful while studying a landscape or pursuing moving targets.

The gadget is made to be lightweight and portable. It is typically portable and light, making it easy to bring along on outdoor trips. When utilizing the rangefinder in a variety of weather situations, some models may have water-resistant or waterproof characteristics.

The rangefinder has a clear LCD that shows distance readings and other pertinent data to users. Additionally, the brightness settings on the display may be changeable for improved visibility in various lighting scenarios.


  • Waterproof and resistant to the elements
  • Ergonomic Planning
  • Make a magnification feature available
  • Lightweight and compact design
  • Delivering measurements with high precision
  • Have a variety of modes designed for particular tasks
  • Increased light transmission through multi-coating

Read Also:

7 Best Vortex Rangefinders

How to choice the 6 Best Rangefinders For 500 Yards

Highest Range

Make sure the device has a maximum range that meets your needs since you’re specifically seeking a rangefinder that can measure up to 500 yards. To take into account any potential variations in measurement accuracy, think about selecting a model with a little higher maximum range.

Make sure the device you select has a maximum range that meets or surpasses this criterion since you need a rangefinder that can measure distances up to 500 yards.


When it comes to rangefinders, accuracy is essential. Search for models that provide accurate measurements with little inaccuracy. Accuracy is frequently stated as +/- yards or meters. Particularly when measuring greater distances, accuracy is essential. Seek out rangefinders with good ratings for accuracy and precision. You can determine a rangefinder’s actual performance in this area by reading evaluations and expert opinions.


You can see the target more clearly with a higher magnification, which makes it simpler to precisely latch onto the thing you want to measure. Higher magnification, meanwhile, can occasionally make it more difficult to keep the rangefinder steady.

Weight and Size

When selecting the 6 Best Rangefinders For 500 Yards. Consider the rangefinder’s size and weight if you intend to use it while hunting or playing golf. Generally speaking, a design that is small and lightweight is easier to transport. If you need to travel light or are carrying additional equipment, the rangefinder’s portability is important. Pick a size and weight that meet your needs and preferences.


Selecting a rangefinder that is water-resistant or even waterproof can be advantageous because rangefinders may be exposed to a variety of weather situations. Furthermore, models built using sturdy materials can survive severe handling. The 6 Best Rangefinders For 500 Yards are frequently used outside and could be subjected to several types of weather. To ensure lifetime, choose models with durable construction, weather resistance, and high-quality components.


Even in different lighting situations, the display needs to be simple to read. To get information like distance and battery life without straining your eyes, look for rangefinders with clear, high-contrast displays.

FAQs of the 6 Best Rangefinders For 500 Yards

  • How precise are these rangefinders at 500 yards?

Although rangefinders’ accuracy might vary, the best versions are often made to deliver accurate measurements at greater distances. At 500 yards, the majority of reliable rangefinders provide accuracy to a few yards. Accuracy can be affected by variables like target reflectivity, lighting, and user competence.

  • Are these rangefinders appropriate for both hunting and golf?

Many rangefinders created for usage in the great outdoors, such as golf and hunting, are adaptable enough to be used for both. To meet the needs of both golfers and hunters, look for models with features like angle compensation and a variety of modes (such as scan mode and pin-seeking mode).

  • Do these rangefinders consider slope and elevation variations?

Some rangefinders have slope-adjustment capabilities that take elevation variations into account and give altered distance readings dependent on the angle of the shot. Slope-adjusted measurements, however, might not be permitted in all golf competitions. Make sure the rangefinder has a mode that can be switched off to adhere to the tournament rules if you require this function.

  • How much magnification can these rangefinders provide?

Variable magnification is a common feature of rangefinders. Typically, distances up to 500 yards can be covered with a 6x magnification. Maintaining a steady image at greater distances can be challenging with higher magnification.

Final Thoughts

In essence, The 6 Best Rangefinders For 500 Yards are essential for measuring distances accurately, which helps with decision-making, precise targeting, and general productivity in a variety of tasks. Rangefinders are expected to be improved upon and adapted for new uses as technology develops, thus increasing their value in a variety of contexts.